RCMP Press – The Globe and Mail – Retired RCMP doctor in Nova Scotia accused of ‘numerous’ sexual assaults on female recruits, officers
David Klein of Klein Lawyers in Vancouver, whose firm was one of two that negotiated the class-action settlement, says eight of the hundreds of women who have come to his office asking for help in filing their claim say they were assaulted by a physician at the Bedford clinic who was nicknamed “Dr. Fingers” by recruits.
Mr. Klein said those women say the doctor gave them unnecessary rectal examinations, inserted his fingers into their vaginas for no apparent reason and spent unusually lengthy periods of time rubbing his hands on their breasts. Mr. Klein, who represents more than 600 of the plaintiffs in the class-action suit, says he is unaware of any significant changes that are being made within the RCMP to address the types of behaviours being alleged by his clients.
“I have now read over 300 claims. It is shocking to see what these women endured,” Mr. Klein said. “The settlement agreement includes a host of change initiatives the RCMP has agreed to undertake. These are important. For many of my clients, the change initiatives are more important than the compensation.”.
While plaintiffs don’t need to be represented by a lawyer, the 33-page form that must be completed and the highly traumatic nature of their experiences have prompted more women than expected to seek legal advice in filing their claims, Mr. Klein said. “We’re scrambling to get them all,” he said. “I have five lawyers, four paralegals and four articling students working full-time, flat out on claims for these women.”